A little trip with a big impact
Part of our process when considering new nonprofits for our Rising Tide or Uplift gifting programs is getting to know the organization and what they do for the communities they serve. This could involve phone call or Zoom meetings with the staff, maybe some in-person meetings, but our goal is to actually see how they do their work in serving their community. So we were delighted when our Executive Director was invited to visit Heifer International in Arkansas, since they are currently under consideration for our Rising Tide Gift.
“It’s one thing to hear about the work that a nonprofit does and what it takes to make a difference, but it’s another thing entirely to actually see it in person,” said Matthew Motet McCord, Executive Director of The Deena Jo Heide-Diesslin Foundation. “Seeing the operations in person gave me a whole new perspective on how we can best help support the amazing work they are doing all over the world.”
Though the trip only lasted three days, it was packed with information and experiences for the guests. Heifer International associates like Ardyth Neill, Strategic Advisor for the Heifer Foundation, shared Heifer International’s vision in their own words. They laid out the nonprofit’s strategies and values, as where as places they still want to improve and grow. Matthew spent a lot of time talking one-on-one with as many people as he could, getting a sense that every person there was committed to Heifer’s values and dedicated to making a difference with their given areas of expertise.
The person who impacted Matthew the most was a coffee farmer who was helped by Heifer International and now continues to work to help other coffee farmers around the world. He gave a presentation on how even “fair trade” coffee can still exploit the actual coffee growers and explained what is actually needed for properly and ethically sourced coffee.
This presentation was so impactful for Matthew that immediately upon returning to The Deena Jo Heide-Diesslin Foundation offices, he switched all of the office coffee machines to only use ethically sourced coffee. Even now, Matthew and the DJHD Foundation Board of Directors are looking into investing in even more ethically sourced coffee opportunities.
These are the kind of ripple effects that we look for in our Rising Tide recipients. Organizations that are so dedicated to making a difference in their communities that even a short visit from some guests can have greater effects in unexpected ways. Not just “giving someone a fish” or “teaching someone to fish” but instilling the love of fishing in anyone they come across. That’s how we create a Rising Tide that truly lifts any and all ships.